About the Wildirises Maine Coons Family




Let me thank you for visiting our Maine Coons! We look forward to getting to know you and we are excited to share our little bundles of cuddle kittens with you. More will be added to this entire web page as time goes on. So check back soon!

The Cattery

Our Wildirises Cattery is located in Pennsylvania! We moved here from Alaska, I can still transport kittens almost anywhere in the United States that has an international airport except Hawaii!

We fell in love with these majestic Maine Coon cats many years ago and started researching the breed. Originally, we did not plan to operate as a professional cat breeder, we just wanted a wonderful giant pet for ourselves. However, we became hooked on these majestic cats and soon we decided breeding kittens was the direction we needed to go. When we were ready and in a place in our lives to dedicate the many hours needed to take on this endeavor, we started looking for European breeding lines that we could be proud to work with. We searched, and decided to import two Maine Coon cats from Russia. We have since brought in Maine Coon cats from Bulgaria and Germany. This is a very scary avenue, but we felt it was the best option for us. We wanted new bloodlines in the United States. On this journey we have made many excellent friends and supporters to bring you the Wildirises Maine Coon Cattery. We first focus on health and each one of our cats has been screened for the health markers that are an unfortunate part of the Maine Coon breed. Confirmation is important to us by TICA and CFA standards. Our goal is essentially to bring you a healthy, large beautifully colored Maine Coon to be a part of your family. With the fantastic personality that comes with one of these majestic gentle giants.

The Family

I have two lovely children Iris and Russell, both are now grown and starting to figure out their own lives. Iris is a massage therapist and Russell is starting his career in mechanics. I have family in Alaska and Pennsylvania!! Wherever we are, we like to explore, metal detect, ride horses and basically try new things and have fun. Mostly we are home playing with cats, it’s my favorite part of the day.



We should probably talk about scams. Sadly there are people out there that want to take advantage of someone else. These next steps are not a surefire way to stay safe but just be aware of any red flags. Sending a stranger your hard earned money is always a gamble so be sure before you do that you are ready to do so. I have run into web pages that are proven to be scams, but they look completely legitimate. There are a few ways that you can protect yourself. Here are my thoughts and thoughts I pulled from other websites.

1.  Be careful and ask a lot of questions.

2.  You can ask for pictures of your wanted kitten. Ask the breeder to take a picture of the kitten with a random item in the picture so you know they are the actual keeper of the pet.

3.  Ask for the breeder’s registration paperwork.

4.  Do not trust a breeder who is in a rush to get your money because of an “emergency”.

5.  If correspondence has broken English or very poor grammar.

6.  Look at web pages where the kittens are being sold. Are these pictures being stolen from another website? This might be hard to tell but perhaps a good idea is to copy paste a section of the verbiage of the website and see if a google search populates any exact copies from other websites.

7.  Google ways to not be scammed when purchasing your new kitten. PROTECT YOURSELF!


(A lot of these ideas come directly from other websites ~ we all need to keep each other safe!)


Pleasantville, Pennsylvania


10am to 6pm, but really, we will answer as soon as we are able! We love talking about cats!