Probably everything you want to know.


If you do not see the answer to your question please contact us. We are always willing to get to know our kitten parents!


How to adopt?

  1. View the Terms & Conditions page

  2. Watch the video on what declawing your cat really means and why we do NOT want to declaw a cat ~ EVER.

    Video: By Dr. Lera

  3. Fill out an Application

  4. Wait for the perfect kitten to become available, I will contact everyone by email and post an announcement on Facebook directing you back to this website to the available kittens page.

  5. Contact me with the kitten you are interested in.

  6. The kittens will be open for two weeks. After, I will review all the families that requested each kitten. I will look for the earliest application received, and they will be the new owner with your non-refundable deposit.

    Bank transfer: $500.00 plus your bank fee

    Zelle: $500.00

    Venmo 1.9% + 0.10: $510

    Paypal 2.9% + 0.30: $515

    Square 2.9% +0.30: $515

    If you would like to pay differently, please ask!

  7. If you were not the family that was higher on the waiting list, I will contact you and let you know. Your name is automatically moved up the waiting list.

    I am sorry, it takes a lot of time to go through each family individually. I really like that personalization, so I urge you to get to know me and let me get to know you too.

  8. With the deposit, the kitten is on hold for your family! I will start sending you all kinds of pictures and videos so you can watch your new family member grow.


  1. Our kittens are Females $2700 Males $3000 unless otherwise stated.

  2. Our adult cats are tested for genetic diseases and defects prior to being bred. We strive for the healthiest possible outcome of our kittens.

  3. Our kittens come with a 2-year health guarantee free from genetic issues.

  4. Our kittens come to your home with your microchips and all necessary vaccinations and treatments needed for a 3 month old. This ensures the best start to a happy healthy life. It is your responsibility to continue on with the vaccination and treatment plan set forth by your veterinarian. When you get your kitten you will need to take them in at 4 months for boosters and again later for altering. Then annually.

    Females: 6 to 8 months to get spayed and this must happen before her second heat or the chances of cancer go up by 80%

    Males: 7 to 8 months to get neutered. This ensures his urethra fully develops so he will not have bladder issues later in life.

    Please research this so when you speak with your vet you can make the best possible decision for your kitten. Maine Coon grow much more slowly than the average kitty.

  5. Due to growing the biggest maine coon cat possible we wait to have your kitten altered. This will need to be done before you get your pedigree paperwork. You will also need to do this for your 2 year health guarantee to be honored.

  6. Our kittens are pedigree with several generations of documentation through TICA.

  7. Our kittens do not leave home until they are about 3 months of age. This is a maturity thing and not a definitive answer. Each kitten grows and will be ready at their own pace. I also make sure they have their 3 month shots before heading into the world.

  8. During this time they are socialized to the other cats, dogs and bird we have in our home. They start to learn what is okay and what is not okay before they even come to you. They will be a well rounded fluff ball.

  9. We have a written contract to protect the kittens. (Click for example)

  10. We will teach you the requirements of grooming. MCO have typically greasy fur. This beads the rain up and lets it roll off them keeping them dry. This type of fur also keeps them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. They are able to self-regulate and for this reason it is not necessary and advised against shaving a maine coon. 

  11. I do not sell cats for breeding except special conditions. (Contact me)

  12. It is absolutely forbidden to declaw and mutilate the kitten/cat. Prior to adopting a kitten, you will be given a video to watch on why this is a barbaric practice and will not be tolerated. This is non-negotiable. This is considered abuse.

    If you want to declaw your cat, then this is not the kitten for you. You are better off with a stuffed animal.

  13. Letting your cat outside is extremely dangerous there are diseases, cars, predators, theft or lost. The list goes on and on however, finding a safe way to let them outside is key. Either by a catio or a yard with a fence surrounding it with a cat fence. There are many types of fences that will keep your feline safe. Even just putting a harness on them and taking them for a walk once in a while for exercise is good. Bottom line, letting your baby outside is a risk. Is it worth it?

  14. We do fly kittens anywhere in the United States except for Hawaii. (Sorry Hawaii, it’s very hard to get animals to you) Most of the time, it’s better for you to fly here and home again with your new addition. Or if you are unable to do this we can arrange for someone to fly to your airport and meet you. Shipping or delivery charges are not part of the kitten price and will be added on afterwards.

Things to know:

Our kittens leave the cattery socialized and ready to bond with their new family.

We want to keep in touch with you and we would love pictures, updates or questions. If you send me an email of your kittens picture and a fun story, they could be added to Facebook and Instagram!

Kittens teeth and bite things between the ages of 3-6 months, they will need several toys they can chew safety on. At this time, they may get a bad habit of biting hands and it’s very important to direct them to chew on toys not hands. When they grow bigger this type of “play” will hurt so it’s best to keep this a no no right from the beginning.

We provide you with information on feeding, litter box, nail trimmers, brushes, scratching posts, toys and bowls/water fountains as a suggestion and example of what works best for us. Food and water must be assessable daily for your kittens. We free feed all our cats so they are not over eatters.

The Maine Coon breed is a very social breed of cat and they do better with another pet while you are not home. This could be another cat or even a dog. Consider adopting two kittens at the same time, they will be bonded from an early age. Please do not add a kitten with a senior cat, this causes your senior cat to be stressed.

It’s best to not switch quickly from different brands of food, but to do it slowly over a week or two. We feed the kittens and cats a high-quality high protein diet.

We do not use collars here at the cattery and strongly advise against them. I do not agree with flee collars or decorative collars as they cause damage to the fur and are uncomfortable for a cat to wear.  I have seen enough cats strangled in my time from the use that I strongly advise against it. Use a flee/tick medicine from your veterinarian and your kitten will already have a microchip. Some maine coons love to wear the pet clothing and specialty items. Please do this with supervision.

Did you know burning some essential oils are poisonous to our animals? And usually being burned down by the floor where they have no choice but to breathe it in. Be Careful when choosing to burn fragrant materials and make sure you are using pet safe oils.