Pre-Qualifying Application

At Wildirises Coon Ranch we pour our heart into raising these kittens to be a long time family member for you. Because I care, I also care who these precious babies will be living with. Prior to being able to secure a kitten with a deposit we will need to approve your application. The process isn’t hard but there are a few subjects we must discuss. The process is as follows.

  1. View the Q&A

  2. View the Terms & Conditions page

  3. Watch the video on what declawing your cat really means and why we do NOT want to declaw a cat ~ EVER.

    Video: By Dr. Lera

  4. Fill out an Application (On this page)

  5. Wait for the perfect kitten to become available, I will contact everyone by email and post an announcement on Facebook directing you back to this website to the available kittens page.

  6. Contact me with the kitten(s) you are interested in.

  7. The kittens will be open for two weeks. After, I will review all the families that requested each kitten. I will look for the earliest application received, and they will be the new owner with your non-refundable deposit.

  8. If you were not the family that was higher on the waiting list, I will contact you and let you know. Your name is automatically moved up the waiting list.

    I am sorry, it takes a lot of time to go through each family individually. I really like that personalization, so I urge you to get to know me and let me get to know you too.

  9. The kitten is on hold for your family! I will start sending you all kinds of pictures and videos so you can watch your new family member grow.