
the pupernickle pupers. He is full of piss and vinegar and is very good with the kittens. He still has puppy energy but if a kitten needs a bath, he is the first to volunteer. He plays with them and teaches kittens to like dogs!! Ollie is a joy to have in the house after he had his exercise (ha).



Go go dog…

Minto is a male yellow Labrador. He is a senior and was not sure about sharing his bed with cats in the night. When it comes down to it, on a cold winter night, you can find a pile of cats and Minto snuggled up on his big bed.


Juju Beans

JuJuBean is a male Eclectus Parrot. He is 11 years old and lives with us and keeps the cats in order. he spends his day talking to them and following them around. He is a very loving bird with spunk. He gets along with the cats because he doesn’t take no guff from them.



Pyra is an altered siamese mix. They call her a flame point and she is my first cat. She helps around the house playing with the baby kittens and teaching them all the trouble to get into. She is also a great bed warmer. She is a rescue and has a tragic past. She is in her forever home.



Noodle is an altered domestic short hair. She is the biggest snuggle bug she loves to go outside and chase bugs. She is in her forever home.